Searching in the Live Database


With your ChessBase account you have access to the online searchable version of Live database. This one is accessible from your browser. It brings well over seven million games and it includes the playerbase pictures, move statistics, and the Let’s Check computer evaluations.

At the very top is a familiar looking toolbar with the available options.

The choices are easy to understand. The user can change the display of the pieces and boards. The App offers a lot of interesting search functions.

Searching for games from a position

If you want to see a few games from a certain position this is possible. You can see how other players handled it. Is the position already on the board, just click on „Search Board“ at the top.

The program displays the list with all games played with this position. Click the tab ELO to see games from strong players!

Doubleclick the item in the game list. The game opens, and the playerbase picture and country flag is displayed.

Searching for players or events

You can also search for players or a specific event. Type in the name in the small text window and press Enter.

The program offers you some intelligent support when you insert the text.

In this example we select „Karpov“ and press Enter. The result is:

If you want the games between Karpov and Kapsparov type Karpov-Kasparov and then press Enter on the keyboard.

It is also possible to enter the event name, searches by date are not supported.

Tip: Exporting the current game to a PGN file is done by clicking on the item „PGN “ under the notation! Now you use the game notation with other programs!








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